Publicaciones 2023
Académicos de la Facultad se destacan en negrita. (Faculty members are bolded)
- Ariyama, N., Pardo-Roa, C., Muñoz, G., Aguayo, C., Ávila, C., Mathieu, C., Almonacid, L.I., Medina, R.A., Brito, B., Johow, M., & Neira, V. (2023). Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Clade Virus in Wild Birds, Chile. Emerg Infect Dis. Vol. 29, No. 9, September 2023. ISI 11.8 (Q1)
- Astudillo, I., Aspee, K., Palomino, J., Peralta, O. A., Parraguez, V. H. & De Los Reyes, M. (2023). Meiotic Development of Canine Oocytes from Poly-Ovular and Mono-Ovular Follicles after In Vitro Maturation. Animals, 13(4), 648. ISI 3.0 (Q1)
- Astudillo, D., Pokrant, E., Bravo, C., Ríos, A., Navarrete, M. J., Maddaleno, A. Maturana, M., Flores, A., Guzmán, M., Hidalgo, H., Zayas, C., Lapierre, L. & Cornejo, J. (2023). Detection of antimicrobial residues in animal manure by a microbiological screening methodology: A non-invasive tool in animal production, Food Control, 148, 109649, ISI 6.0 (Q1)
- Baumberger, C., Di Pillo, F., Galdames, P., Oyarzun, C., Marambio, V., Jimenez-Bluhm, P. & Hamilton-West, C. (2023). Swine Backyard Production Systems in Central Chile: Characterizing Farm Structure, Animal Management, and Production Value Chain. Animals, 13(12), 2000. ISI 3.0 (Q1)
- Benavides, M. B., Ábalos, P., Valdivieso, N., Retamal, P. (2023). Evolution of IFN-gamma response against mycobacterial antigens used for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in BCG vaccinated cattle under a natural transmission setting in central Chile. Austral J. Vet. Sci., 55(2), 81–86. ISI 0.7 (Q4)
- Bidegain, I., Cerda, C., Silva-Rodríguez, E.A., López-Santiago, C., Briceño, C., Promis, A., Razeto, J., de la Maza, C.L. & Tironi, A. (2023) Social preferences for vertebrates, invertebrates and plants: a multistakeholder approach for conservation management. Hum. Dimens. Wildl. NO ISI (Q2)
- Boersma, J., McQueen, A., Peters, A., Welklin, J. F., Khalil, S., Quispe, R., Goymann, W. & Schwabl, H. (2023). Unexpected long-term retention of subcutaneous beeswax implants and additional notes on dose and composition from four testosterone implant studies. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 330, 114124. ISI 2.7 (Q1)
- Briceño, C., Marcone, D., Larraechea, M., Hidalgo, H., Fredes, F., Ramírez-Toloza, G., Cabrera, G. (2023). Zoonotic Cryptosporidium meleagridis in urban invasive monk parakeets. Zoonoses Public Health. 00, 1-6. ISI 2.4 (Q1)
- Brito, T. P., Butto-Miranda, N., Neira-Carrillo, A., Bollo, S. & Ruíz-León, D. (2023) Synergistic Effect of Composite Nickel Phosphide Nanoparticles and Carbon Fiber on the Enhancement of Salivary Enzyme-Free Glucose Sensing. Biosensor, 13, 49. ISI 5.7 (Q1)
- Butto-Miranda, N., Cabrera-Barjas, G. & Neira-Carrillo, A. (2023). Preparation of a novel electrospun organic-inorganic hybrid nanofibers based on polycaprolactone, glycine betaine, and calcium carbonate (P/G/CaCO3-EPnF). Crystals, 13(4). ISI 2.7 (Q2)
- Cádiz, L., Guzmán, M., Navarrete, F., Torres, P., Hidalgo, H. (2023). Vertebral osteomyelitis associated with Enterococcus faecalis in Broiler Breeders in Chile. Austral J Vet Sci, 55(3), 203-207. ISI 1.0 (Q2)
- Cabrera-Barjas, G., Jimenez, R., Romero, R., Valdes, O., Nesic, A., Hernández-García, R., Neira, A., Alejandro-Martín, S., De la Torre, A. F. (2023) Value-added long-chain aliphatic compounds obtained through pyrolysis of phosphorylated chitin. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 238, 124130. ISI 8.2 (Q1)
Campos-Montes, G.R, Garcia, B.F, Medrano-Mendoza, T., Caballero-Zamora, A., Montoya-Rodríguez, L., Quintana-Casares, J.C & Yáñez, J.M. (2023) Genetic and genomic evaluation for resistance to white spot syndrome virus in post-larvae of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquaculture 575, 739745. ISI 4.5 (Q1)
- Cevidanes, A., Di Cataldo, S., Muñoz-San Martín, C., Latrofa, M. S., Hernández, C., Cattan, P. E., Otranto, D. & Millán, J. (2023). Co-infection patterns of vector-borne zoonotic pathogens in owned free-ranging dogs in central Chile. Vet. Res. Commun., 47(2), 575-585. ISI 2.3 (Q1)
- Contreras, C., Alegría-Moran, R., Duchens, M., Ábalos, P., López, R. & Retamal, P. (2023) Specific and non-specific effects of Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination in dairy calves. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1278329. ISI 3.8 (Q1)
- Cordero, P., Díaz-Avilés, F., Torres, P., Guzmán, M., Niknafs, S., Roura, E., & Guzmán-Pino, S.A. (2023) The Expression of Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Receptors Show an Age-Dependent Pattern Involving Oral Cavity, Jejunum and Lower Gut Sensing in Broiler Chickens. Animals, 13, 3120. ISI 3.0 (Q1)
- Correa-Cuadros, J. P., Flores-Benner, G., Muñoz-Rodríguez, M. A., Briceño, C., Díaz, M., Strive, T., Vásquez, F. & Jaksic, F. M. (2023). History, control, epidemiology, ecology, and economy of the invasion of European rabbits in Chile: a comparison with Australia. Biol. Invasions, 25(2), 309-338. ISI 2.9 (Q1)
- Croy, J. R., Zaviezo, T., Crossley, M. S., Smith, O.M., Snyder, W. E., Grez, A. A. (2023). Apparent niche differences between native and exotic lady beetles. Biol. Control., 178, 2023, 105148, ISI 4.2 (Q1)
- De los Reyes, M., Palomino, J., Villagra, A., Ramirez, G., Peralta, O. A., Parraguez, V. H., Aspee, K. (2023). Effect of progesterone on in vitro meiotic maturation of canine oocytes associated with Cx37 and Cx43 gene expression, Theriogenology, 204, 50-57, ISI 2.8 (Q1)
- De Los Reyes, M., Songsasen, N. & Herrick, J. (2023). Advances in reproductive biotechnologies in carnivores. Front. Vet. Sci., 10, 1123368. ISI 3.2 (Q1)
- Eisenman, E. J. L., Uhart, M. M., Kusch, A., Vila, A. R., Vanstreels, R. E. T., Mazet, J. A. K. & Briceño, C. (2023). Increased prevalence of canine echinococcosis a decade after the discontinuation of a governmental deworming program in Tierra del Fuego, Southern Chile. Zoonoses Public Health, 70(3), 213-222. ISI 2.4 (Q1)
- Durán, E., Neira-Carrillo, A., Villamizar M. G., Álvarez-Acevedo, G., Oyarzun-Ampuero, F., Valenzuela, C. (2023). Thermosensitive chitosan hydrogels: A potential strategy for iron dextran prolonged parenteral supplementation.. Polymers. In Press. doi: 10.20944/preprints202311.0528.v1. ISI 5.0 (Q1).
- Galarce, N., Arriagada, G., Sánchez, F., Escobar, B., Miranda, M., Matus, S., Vilches, R., Varela, C. Zelaya, C., Peralta, J., Paredes-Osses, E., González-Rocha, G., & Lapierre, L. (2023) Phenotypic and genotypic antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli strains isolated from household dogs in Chile. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1233127. ISI 3.8 (Q1)
- Grez, A. A., Zaviezo, T., Orellana, I., Pino, L., Roy, H. E., Torres, F. & Rebolledo, C. (2023). Citizen science and phytosanitary surveillance systems are complementary tools to follow the invasion of Harmonia axyridis. Neotrop. Entomol., 52(1), 46-56. ISI 1.8 (Q2)
- Grez, A.A. & Zaviezo, T. 2024. Landscape simplification, biological invasions and climate change: major threats to native coccinellids in Central Chile. Entomol. Exp. Appl. ISI 4.1(Q1)
- Gonzalez-Gomez, P. L., Villavicencio, C. P., Quispe, R., Schwabl, P., Cornelius, J. M., Ramenofsky, M., Jesse S. Krause, J. S. & Wingfield, J. C. (2023). Perspectives on environmental heterogeneity and seasonal modulation of stress response in neotropical birds. Horm. Behav., 152, 105359. ISI 3.5 (Q1)
- Jahanbanifard, M., Price, E., González, B. A., Raggi, L. A., Javanmardi, S., Lens, F., Gravendeel, B., Espinoza, E. & Verbeek, F. J. (2023). A novel method to analyse DART TOFMS spectra based on Convolutional Neural Networks: A case study on methanol extracts of wool fibres from endangered camelids. Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 489, 117050. ISI 1.8 (Q3)
- Jimenez-Bluhm, P., Siegers, J. Y., Tan, S., Sharp, B., Freiden, P., Johow, M., Orozco, K., Ruiz, S., Baumberger, C., Galdames, P., Gonzaleze, M. A., Rojas, C., Karlsson, E. A., Hamilton-West, C. & Schultz-Cherry, S. (2023). Detection and phylogenetic analysis of highly pathogenic A/H5N1 avian influenza clade 2.3. 4.4 b virus in Chile, 2022. Emerging Microbes Infect., 2220569. ISI 13.2 (Q1)
- Larraechea, M., Hidalgo, H., Ramírez-Toloza, G., Sandoval-Rodríguez, A., Ibáñez, D., Briceño, C. (2023). Seropositivity to zoonotic Chlamydophila psittaci in invasive monk parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) from Santiago, Chile. Rev. Chil. Infectol., 40(1), 35-41. NO ISI (Q4)
- Lerma, M., Villavicencio, C. P., Luna, N., Portflitt-Toro, M., Serratosa, J., Luna-Jorquera, G., Garthe, S. & Quispe, R. (2023). Corticosterone levels, leukocyte profiles, and foraging and diving behaviours of Humboldt penguins during chick rearing in Northern Chile. Emu-Austral Ornithology, 123(1), 71-78. ISI 1.5 (Q2)
- Lin, Y., Beltran-Alcrudo, D., Awada, L., Hamilton-West, C., Lavarello Schettini, A., Caceres, P., Tizzani, P., Allepuz, A., Casal, J. (2023). Analysing WAHIS animal health immediate notifications to understand global reporting trends and measure early warning capacities (2005-2021). Transboundary Emerging Dis., 2023. ISI 4.521 (Q1)
- Lira, L. V., Mastrochirico-Filho, V. A., Mendes, N. J., Ariede, R. B., Yáñez, J. M., & Hashimoto, D. T. (2023). Genome-wide association study of host resistance to the ectoparasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in the Amazon fish Colossoma macropomum. Mol. Biol. Rep., 50(1), 599-607. ISI 2.8 (Q2)
- Medrano-Mendoza, T., García, B. F., Caballero-Zamora, A., Yáñez, J. M., Montoya-Rodríguez, L., Quintana-Casares, J. C., Durán-Aguilar, M. & Campos-Montes, G. R. (2023). Genetic diversity, population structure, linkage disequilibrium and GWAS for resistance to WSSV in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) using a 50K SNP chip. Aquaculture, 562, 738835. ISI 4.5 (Q1)
- Martinez, V., Dettleff, P., Zamorano, P., Galarce, N., Borie, C. & Naish, K. (2023). Host-pathogen interaction involving cytoskeleton changes as well as non-coding regulation as primary mechanisms for SRS resistance in Attlantic Salmon. Fish Shellfish Immunol., 136, 108711. ISI 4.7 (Q1)
- Martinez, V., Galarce, N. & Setiawan, A. (2023). Developing Methods for Maintaining Genetic Diversity in Novel Aquaculture Species: The Case of Seriola lalandi. Animals, 13, 913. ISI 3.0 (Q1)
- Mena, J., Hidalgo, C., Estay-Olea, D., Sallaberry-Pincheira, N., Bacigalupo, A., Rubio, A. V., Peñaloza, D., Sánchez, C., Gómez-Adaros, J., Olmos, V., Cabello, J., Ivelic, K., Abarca, M. J., Ramírez-Álvarez, D., Torregrosa Rocabado, M., Durán Castro, N., Carreño, M., Gómez, G., Cattan, P.E., Ramírez-Toloza, G., Robbiano, S., Marchese, C., Raffo, E., Stowhas, P., Medina-Vogel, G., Landaeta-Aqueveque, C., Ortega, R., Waleckx, E., Gónzalez-Acuña, D. & Rojo, G. (2023). Molecular surveillance of potential SARS-CoV-2 reservoir hosts in wildlife rehabilitation centers. Vet. Q, 43: 1, 1-10. ISI 8.0 (Q1)
- Morales, M. E., Martín, C. M. S., Cattan, P. E. & Superina, M. (2023). Trypanosoma cruzi survey in poached pichis (Zaedyus pichiy; Mammalia, Cingulata) from Mendoza, Argentina. J. Wildl. Dis., 59(1), 192-196. ISI 1.62 (Q2)
- Morales, M. E., Campo Verde Arbocco, F., Muñoz-San Martín, C., Abba, A. M., Ríos, T. A., Cassini, G. H., Cattan, P., Jahn, G. & Superina, M. (2023). High Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence in armadillo (Zaedyus pichiy; Xenarthra: Chlamyphoridae) populations from Mendoza, Argentina. Parasitol. Res., 1-12. ISI 2.0 (Q1)
- Mujica, P.C & Martínez, V. (2023) A purebred South American breed showing high effective population size and independent breed ancestry: The Chilean Terrier. Animal genetics. Volume 54, Issue 6, December 2023, 772-785. ISI 2.46 (Q1)
- Neira, V., Melgarejo, C., Urzúa-Encina, C., Berrios, F., Valdes, V., Mor, S., Brito-Rodriguez, B., & Ramírez-Toloza, G. (2023) Identification and Characterization of Porcine Rotavirus A in Chilean Swine Population. Front. Vet. Sci., 10:3389/fvets. 2023.1240346. 1245278. ISI 3.8 (Q1)
- Pokrant, E., Vargas, M.B., Navarrete, M.J., Yévenes, K., Trincado, L., Cortés, P., Maddaleno, A., Lapierre, L.; & Cornejo, J. (2023) Assessing the Effect of Oxytetracycline on the Selection of Resistant Escherichia coli in Treated and Untreated Broiler Chickens. Antibiotics, 12(12), 1652. ISI 4.8 (Q1)
- Portflitt-Toro, M., Quispe, R., & Villavicencio, C. P. (2023). Social interactions of wild granivorous birds towards experimental feeders in the semi-arid scrub of northern Chile. GAYANA, 86(2), 47-53. NO ISI (Q2)
- Ramos, N., M. Sibila, & Neira, V. (2023). Editorial: Porcine respiratory disease complex: dynamics of polymicrobial infections, synergistic effects and management strategies. Front. Vet. Sci. 10. ISI 3.2 (Q1)
- Romero, V., Zaviezo, T., Sánchez, R. & Grez, A. A. (2023). More than aphids in the guts of coccinellids revealed by molecular and visual analyses. BioControl, 1-12. ISI 2.5 (Q2)
- Rondeau, E. B., Christensen, K. A., Minkley, D. R., Leong, J. S., Chan, M. T., Despins, C. A., Mueller, A., Sakhrani, D., Biagi, C. A., Rougemont, Q., Normandeau, E., Jones, S. J. M., Devlin, R. H., Withler, R. E., Beacham, T. D., Naish, K. A., Yáñez, J. M., Neira, R., Bernatchez, L., Davidson, W. S. & Koop, B. F. (2023). Population-size history inferences from the coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) genome. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet., 13(4), jkad033. ISI 3.542 (Q1)
- Ruiz, S., Galdames, P., Baumberger, C., Gonzalez, M. A., Rojas, C., Oyarzun, C., Orozco, K., Mattar, C., Freiden, P., Sharp, B., Schultz-Cherry, S., Hamilton-West, C. & Jimenez-Bluhm, P. (2023). Remote Sensing and Ecological Variables Related to Influenza A Prevalence and Subtype Diversity in Wild Birds in the Lluta Wetland of Northern Chile. Viruses, 15(6), 1241. ISI 4.7 (Q1)
- Segunda, M. N., Díaz, C., Torres, C. G., Parraguez, V. H., De los Reyes, M. & Peralta, O. A. (2023). Comparative Analysis of the Potential for Germ Cell (GC) Differentiation of Bovine Peripheral Blood Derived-Mesenchymal Stem Cells (PB-MSC) and Spermatogonial Stem Cells (SSC) in Co-Culture System with Sertoli Cells (SC). Animals, 13(2), 318. ISI 3.0 (Q1)
- Sepúlveda‐García, P., Rubio, A.V., Salgado, R., Riquelme, M., Bonacic, C., Muller, A. 2023. Molecular detection and characterization of Bartonella spp. in rodents from central and southern Chile, with emphasis on introduced rats (Rattus spp.). Comp. Immunol. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 100: 102026. ISI 2.0 (Q1)
- Shen, X., Yáñez, J. M., Bastos Gomes, G., Poon, Z. W. J., Foster, D., Alarcon, J. F., & Domingos, J. A. (2023). Comparative gonad transcriptome analysis in cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Front. Genet., 14, 1128943. ISI 3.7 (Q2)
- Smith-Ramírez, C., Grez, A. A., Galleguillos, M., Cerda, C., Ocampo-Melgar, A., Miranda, M. D., Muñoz, A. A., Rendón-Funes, A., Díaz, I., Cifuentes, C., Alaniz, A., Seguel, O., Ovalle, J., Montenegro, G., Saldes-Cortés, A., Martínez-Harms, M. J., Armesto, J. & Vita, A. (2023). Ecosystem services of Chilean native sclerophyllous forests and shrublands: a review. J. Arid. Environ., 211. ISI 2.7 (Q1)
- Soares, A. O., Haelewaters, D., Ameixa O. M. C. C., Borges, I., Brown, P. M. J., Cardoso, P., de Groot, M. D., Evans, E. W., Grez, A. A., Hochkirch, A., Holecová, M., Honěk, A., Kulfan, J., Lillebø, A. I., Martinková, Z., Michaud, J. P., Nedvěd, O., Omkar, Roy, H. E., Saxena, S., Shandilya, A., Sentis, A., Skuhrovec, J., Viglášová, S., Zach, P., Zaviezo, T. & Losey, J. E. (2023). A roadmap for ladybird conservation and recovery. Conserv. Biol., 37(1), e13965. ISI 6.3 (Q1)
- Tapia, R., Mena, J., García, V., Culhane, M., Medina, R.A. & Neira, V. (2023) Cross-protection of commercial vaccines against Chilean swine influenza A virus using the guinea pig model as a surrogate. Front. Vet. Sci., 10:1245278. 1245278 ISI 3.8 (Q1)
- Toledo, C., Rubilar, E., Marchant, L., Dörner, J., Márquez, L., Martínez, V. & Dantagnan, P. (2023) Relationship between Jaw Malformations and Long-Chain PUFA’s in Seriola lalandi Larvae during the Spawning Season at a Commercial Hatchery. Fishes, 8, 200. ISI 2.4 (Q2)
- Turín, J., Sales, F., Peralta, O.A., De los Reyes, M., Borie, C., Carrasco, A., González-Bulnes, A., & Parraguez, V.H. (2023) Colostrum traits and newborn body weight and growth: comparison between single and twin underfed sheep pregnancies. Front. Vet. Sci. 10:1256989. 1256989 ISI 3.8 (Q1)
- Ulloa, M., Fernández, A., Ariyama, N., Colom-Rivero, A., Rivera, C., Nuñez, P., Sanhueza, P., Johow, M., Araya, H., Torres, J.C., Gomez, P., Muñoz, G., Agüero, B., Alegría, R., Medina, R., Neira, V. & Sierra, E. (2023) Mass mortality event in South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) correlated to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 outbreak in Chile. Veterinary Quarterly, Volume 43, No. 1, 1–10. 2265173 ISI 6.4 (Q1)
- Valdés, F., Carrillo, R., Campos, F., Sáenz, L. & Valenzuela, C. (2023). Encapsulation of atomized erythrocytes in liposomes as source of heme iron for oral supplementation strategies. J. Food Process Eng., e14393. ISI 3.0 (Q2)
- Valdivieso, N., Retamal, P. (2023). Is it possible to control bovine tuberculosis without compensation? Reviewing ten years of the Chilean program and its progress. Ir Vet J 76 (Suppl 1), 20. ISI 2.36 (Q1)
- Venegas, L., López, P., Derome, N., & Yáñez, J. M. (2023). Leveraging microbiome information for animal genetic improvement. Trends in genetics : TIG, 39(10), 721–723. ISI 11.4 (Q1)
- Villanueva, V., Valdés, F., Zúñiga, R. N., Villamizar-Sarmiento, M. G., Soto-Bustamante, E., Romero-Hasler, P., Riveros, A. L., Tapia, J., Lisoni, J., Oyarzun-Ampuero, F. & Valenzuela, C. (2023). Development of biodegradable and vermicompostable films based on alginate and waste eggshells. Food Hydrocoll., 142, 108813. ISI 10.7 (Q1)
- Villanueva , V., Valdés , F., Zavala, S., Yáñez J.M., Valenzuela, C. (2023). Perception of cat owners on the use of insects as feed ingredients for cats. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 1-13. DOI:10.1163/23524588-20220106. ISI 5.7 (Q1).
Wellenreuther, M., Ferchaud, A.-L., Beheregaray, L.B., Bierne, N., Soares Correa, A., Elmer, K., Fraser, D., Gifford, D., Gompert, Z., Johnson, M., Kassen, R., Martin, R., Meek, M., Mergeay, J., Mérot, C., Naish, K., Narum, S., Sunnucks, P., Thomas, F., Thrall, P., Yáñez, J.M., Zhan, J. & Zhan, X. (2023). For the love of fish, nature and people: A tribute to Professor Louis Bernatchez (1960–2023). Evolutionary Applications 16 (10), 1663 ISI 8.7 (Q1)
- Xuereb, A., Nahuelpi, R. M., Normandeau, E., Babin, C., Laporte, M., Mallet, A., Yáñez, J. M., Mallet, M. & Bernatchez, L. (2023). Design and validation of a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism array for the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genet., 13(6), jkad071. ISI 3.542 (Q1)
- Yáñez, J. M., Barria, A., Lopez, M. E., Moen, T., Garcia, B. F., Yoshida, G. M. Xu, P. (2023). Genome‐wide association and genomic selection in aquaculture. Rev. Aquacult., 15(2), 645-675. ISI 10.4 (Q1)